View As Donor

View a donor's profile as if you were logged in as the donor

Daniel Hopper avatar
Written by Daniel Hopper
Updated over a week ago

What is it?

The View as Donor tool allows you to access a donor's personal donor dashboard as if you were the donor.

From View as Donor, you can:

  • View donors' credit card information (last 4 digits & exp. date)

  • Add/remove donors' cards on file

  • Transfer a donor's monthly gift to a different card

  • Create a new monthly gift for a donor

  • Change the date of a monthly gift

  • Register a donor for Round-Ups (Visa & Mastercard ONLY)

  • Change a donor's Round-Up cap

  • Change a donor's registered Round-Up card

Accessing the View as Donor Tool

The View as Donor tool can be accessed through any of your reports (such as the Donations or Monthly reports) and through Contacts. Click on a donor's name* and a pull-over profile of the donor will display on the right side of the page. Using the 3 stacked dots in the upper-righthand corner, select View as Donor.

*This feature can only be used for donors who have created a profile. If a donor is not already a contact (they haven't made donations before or made a one-time gift as a guest), the View as Donor tool will not be available to use on their behalf until after a profile is created.


To ensure donations & changes are made to the correct donor account, please be sure to log out of the donor's profile after each use.

What You Can See & Do


From the Profile tab, you can edit a donor's name, phone number, mailing address, and employer information. While you can attempt turn text messages on, the donor would still need to log into their profile on their own to complete a text message verification process.


The Donations tab show the donor's donation history. This includes the date and amount of each gift, the payment method used, the type of gift, and the donation receipt.


The Billing tab shows any payment methods that the donor has on file. From here you can add new payment methods and delete existing ones.

WARNING: If you delete a payment method from a donor's account and that payment method is currently used for a recurring/monthly gift, by deleting the card you are also deleting their recurring gift. Please transfer the gift to a new payment method BEFORE deleting the card.

Delete card confirmation


The Tickets tab houses any tickets to events that a donor has purchased. This includes both upcoming and past events.


The Recurring tab shows any monthly gifts that a donor currently has active. From here, you can create new monthly gifts, delete existing ones, download donation receipts, and edit existing monthly donations to use a different payment method, apply to a different campaign, or process on a different date.


The Round-Ups tab shows any Round-Ups donations that a donor currently has active. From here you can view which transactions have been rounded up, change the monthly donation cap, edit which campaign the donation is applied to, update how transactions ending in an even dollar ($.00) are handled, and cancel the Round-Ups gift.

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