Slack Integration

Connect Harness to your "Slack" to receive notifications, updates & more

Megan Carlson Kladakis avatar
Written by Megan Carlson Kladakis
Updated over a week ago


Easily connect Harness + Slack using our Zapier Integration


We’ll walk you through the integration process!  If you need any help, use the button in the bottom right corner and a Harness team member will help you out!

What is Zapier:   Zapier is what we're using as our 3rd party integration tool that will allows you to connect Harness to your CRM (and many other apps & tools)


1)  Create a Zapier Account

Use your work email to create your Zapier Account.  Use this link to go to Zapier and sign-up for an account:


2) Accept an Invite to our Zap ---AND---- Create a "Harness" Zap

After you've created an account, please use this link to accept the invite to our "Harness": 

Once you've CLICKED the link above, simply "Make a Zap" and have the Trigger be our "Harness" Zap


3)  Use your Organization’s Harness API Keys

Use the link above to view your Organization’s API Keys (you must be logged in to access this page)These are the API Keys you'll use to connect your organization's Harness account


4)  Set up a  Zapier

EXAMPLE: Let's use an example of a One-Time Donation with the ACTION step being a "Google Sheet Row Addition" for a Google Sheet

1. Click Make a Zap

2. Search for and select "Harness"

3. Select "New Donation"

4. Connect Account - and then input your API Key I've listed for you below

5. Click TEST by it and then "Continue"

6. Select "One-Time" from the "Donation Type" dropdown (or choose whichever donation type you want to set up)

7. Use ANY of the samples and click CONTINUE

.......Now set up the Action for Slack

1.  Click on (or search for) "Slack"

2.  Choose the Action you'd like to perform in Slack

3.  Connect your Slack + Test + Continue

3. Use the ( + ) in the right sides of the fields to match up the columns

6. Finish & Click SAVE and turn your Zap ON (name it whatever you’d like that reminds you of this integration)

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