Google Tag Manager

Add your Harness "Donate Button" Code using Google Tag Manager

Megan Carlson Kladakis avatar
Written by Megan Carlson Kladakis
Updated over a week ago

Don't worry if you're not technical! We'll walk you through the set up process step by step :)

Step 1: Log in to your Harness Admin Dashboard

Step 2: In your "Settings" - click on the "Website Code" tab (or Click Here)

Step 3: Copy the "Harness your Website" Code

Step 4: Log in to your Google Tag Manager Account

Step 5: Click on "Add a new tag" in your account

Step 6: Click on tag configuration and select custom HTML as the tag type

Step 7: Paste the code you previously copied and activate "Support document.write"

Step 8: Scroll down and click on "Triggering"

Step 9: Click on "All Pages"

Step 10: Click on "Save" and name your new tag

Step 11: In your GTM Dashboard click on "Publish" (top-right corner)

Step 12: Copy the "Harness your Website" Code

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